Archive for September 3rd, 2011

Writer’s Block

Drat and double drat!

Now that I have the time and determination to get back into blogging, I simply cannot think of one thing to write about. Well, that isn’t exactly true however the subject matter I would like to tackle involves an in depth study and some research. I just can’t put much effort into a post right now. I want to finish a post I started on Antarctica a few months back. It’s kind of controversial and I would really enjoy writing it but not now.

I have also considered putting together another meme for December but I really would like other people to supply most of the questions, so that leaves me with little or nothing to do regarding that idea. I dawned on me while I left a comment on a Freshly Pressed blog that I need to update my Roll Film page. I haven’t added the films I’ve seen since June. What a lazy blogger I’ve been.

I could just forgo the post and go from friend to friend commenting on their blogs! I’m months behind on everyone’s blog and the task just seems daunting. Not that I don’t want to. I have already left two comments on two sites I’ve never visited before.

If there is anyone out there who has an idea as to how I can put together a quality post this weekend, please help a brother out! My personal life is still quite hectic but I do have a few spare moments to give this weekend to create a post. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and for those of us in the USA, enjoy the Labor Day day off.

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